Standing in the queue 30 minutes before the foodbank opens, Sarah is happy to talk. She is 48, now living alone as her son as long since moved out. In her thick scouse accent, Sarah explains she is struggling with her mental health. A recent spell in hospital has meant her benefits have been fluctuating. Finding herself in rent arrears, she is thankful for the support of the foodbank. Sarah shows me her ‘continuous ticket’, meaning she can visit for the next few weeks until her debts are paid off.
“I have to eat to with the medicine I take for my mental health, so the foodbank helps.”
When asked about the fruit, vegetables and eggs provided through the Winter Boost initiative, Sarah explains “it has made a huge difference. If you’ve got vegetables you can do a curry, do a blind scouse. I got a turnip the other week, I didn’t know what to do with it but gave it a go. The eggs were lovely, I done waffles with eggs when my son came to visit”.