This is a time of year where many individuals, community groups, educational institutions and workplaces organise donation drives for Foodbanks. It’s fantastic that so many people want to lend support.
To help focus donations on what would be most effective, Feeding Liverpool have consulted with some of the largest Foodbanks in our network.
What we’ve heard is that whilst festive treats are great at this time of year, please keep donating the staples. High demand during winter means we need these donations to keep foodbank cupboards stocked with all the essentials.
Please donate:
- Rice
- Pasta
- UHT Milk
- Tinned Tomatoes
- Tinned/Instant Soups
- Noodles
- Jam
- Tinned Meat/Fish
- Tinned rice pudding
- Instant Coffee
- Shampoo
You can download a shareable social media graphic here.
Print off our guidance and put it up at your local donation point here.